Recipe Costing
In this article, you will see how to add ingredient costs and calculate a recipe cost. At the end of this article, you will see how to compare a recipe cost with another recipe cost.
1. Add Your Ingredient Costs
The first step is to add your ingredient costs on the Ingredient Costs Page.
2. Add Ingredient Costs
You have two choices to add your ingredient costs:
1. Add them on this screen, or
2. Import an Excel file with all your ingredient costs.
3. Import Excel Option
Download our Excel import template if you would like to bulk import ingredient costs.
On each line, you will put the ingredient name, supplier name, and cost per measurement/weight.
4. Add Ingredient Cost
Click here to add the ingredient costs on this screen (option 1).
5. Enter the Ingredient Cost Information
Enter in the Ingredient name, supplier, quantity, measurement, and cost.
6. Add New Supplier
To add a supplier, click on the "+" icon.
7. Add Quantity
Add the numerical value of the weight for the costing.
8. Add Measurement
Add your custom measurements for the ingredient cost. The default will be grams, but you can do any
measurement with this customization option.
9. Ingredient Cost
Add the cost associated with the measurement.
10. Add another row
Click the "+" icon to add another row to enter the next ingredient cost. Repeat as necessary. Save when finished.
11. Calculate Recipe Cost
Now you can navigate to a recipe you would like to calculate the cost for. On the recipe page, click the Recipe Costing button to calculate the cost of the recipe.
12. Calculate Recipe Cost
On this screen, you will match MenuSano's database ingredient with your ingredient cost.
This is MenuSano's database ingredient that you added to the recipe to get the nutritional value.
13. Supplier
Select the supplier of the ingredient cost you added.
14. Supplier Ingredient
Select the supplier ingredient that you added the cost for that best matches the database ingredient.
15. Add New Ingredient Cost
In case you need to add a new ingredient cost, you can do it here as well! It works the same way as
when you added the ingredients in the previous step. Any ingredients added here will appear in the
Ingredients Cost list.
16. Recipe Cost Calculated
Here you can see the recipe cost and the cost per yield.
17. Save Recipe Cost
Click to save the recipe cost. The recipe cost will be available on the "Recipe Costs" page
18. Recipe Costs
Let's go to see the recipe cost that we have created.
19. Recipe Costs Page
Here you can see the recipe cost, which can be edited or deleted from this page.
20. Recipe Cost Export
You can export all of your recipe costs to Excel.
Compare Recipe Costs
That's the essentials of Recipe Costing. We have one more thing to show you: compare recipe costs of
the same recipe and swap out ingredients to adjust the cost!
We will go back to the recipe we calculated the recipe cost for.
1. Recipe Costing to Compare Costs
Navigate back to the recipe and click on the "Recipe Costing" button.
2. Enter Ingredient Costs
This time, we're using an organic white chocolate ingredient. This will change the overall recipe cost.
3. Save
Save the recipe cost to compare it with the previously saved version.
4. Previously Saved Recipes
Here you will see any previously saved Recipe Costs for this recipe. You can keep swapping out
ingredient costs in the table above to grow this list.
5. Recipe Cost Difference
We can see that the version with regular white chocolate, versus organic white chocolate costs slightly
less to make.
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